Add a Document

Use any of the following methods to add a document to Nitro Sign

Through the Web Browser

  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to and sign-in
  3. Click Add at the top right-hand corner
  4. You can select Browse to upload from your local machine, or choose to upload from a Cloud storage solution on the left-hand side


  1. Open your web browser
  2. Go to and sign-in
  3. Click Add at the top right-hand corner
  4. From your machine drag and drop a file into the middle of the web browser window

Note: New entries in your documents list will appear and you will be notified once all documents have finished uploading.

Tips & Tricks

You can upload many types of documents, including PDFs, Images, Microsft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files. Once you upload documents, Nitro Sign will automatically convert them to PDF. You can also upload documents via Nitro Pro. To find out more, refer to the Nitro Pro Integration.

Additional resources:

Adding a Document