Annotation & Mark-up Tools

The Nitro Pro text mark-up tools let you mark-up a PDF file, just as if you were marking-up a printed document. You can add comments to pages as sticky notes, text highlighting, drawing markups, stamps, and file attachments. All commenting and drawing tools are accessible from the Review tab. An annotation comment is a non-destructive element, which is added as an extra layer over the page of your PDF, and can be removed at any time. When you print a PDF file, you can choose to make all text mark-ups visible or hidden.

Marking-up a document helps draw attention to text that requires revision. These tools allow you to mark-up a document without printing it out.

How to Mark-up Text:

On the Review tab, in the Markup group, select one of the following mark-up tools:

    • Highlight
    • Cross-out
    • Underline
    • Replace


  1. With your cursor, select individual words or a block of text to mark-up.
  2. Double-click the new mark-up to add comments to the annotation:
  3. Press the “X” at the top of the pop-up note to close it

TIP: You can apply more than one mark-up on the same block of text. For example, text can be both highlighted and underlined.

To Delete Annotations:

  1. To remove mark-up annotations from the document, right-click on the annotation, and select Delete from the menu.

To Edit Mark-up Properties:

  1. Right-click the annotation or the mark-up text.
  2. Select Properties, and a dialog appears, with the following tabs:
    • General: Edit the Author and Subject details of the annotation
    • Appearance: Modify the visual characteristics of the mark-up
  3. Click Close to save your changes.



TIP: To make all your future mark-ups to look the same as the current one, right-click the annotation, and select Make Current Properties Default.

Additional resources:

Want to know more? Check out the User Guide for further information.

For more information
Commenting & Annotating Text v14