Bulk Signing

Bulk Signing allows you to send copies of a document out for signature to hundreds of recipients in a single workflow, eliminating the need to send the same document to each signer separately.

Use bulk-signing to send hundreds of signature requests with a click of a button.

To access Nitro Sign:

Go to https://cloud.gonitro.com and log in with your email and password.

To send a bulk signature request:

1.  Go to My Templates, select the template that you would like to use, and click Use Template.

2.  Click edit on Recipient 1’s information card.

3.  Choose Send a bulk request.

4.  Enter the email list by typing in the fields, copy and pasting from a .csv column, or from an expanded email distribution list.

5.  Complete the Signature Request workflow, as normal.

Additional resources:

Want to know more? Click on the video below to watch a short (two minute) demo of how to add bulk signing to signature requests.   Or go to the Nitro Sign User Guide for more information.

Nitro Sign User Guide
Bulk Signing