Editing Images

The image arranging tools let you move images in front and behind other objects on the page, flip or mirror, and rotate them.

How to Arrange Images:

    1. Click the Edit button located on the left-hand side of the ribbon.
    2. Double-click the image you want to arrange.
    3. On the Format context tab, in the Arrange group, click one of the following:
      • Bring To Front
      • Send To Back
      • Flip
      • Rotate


How to Resize Images:

    1. Click the Edit button located on the left-hand side of the ribbon
    2. Double-click the image you want to resize.
    3. On the Format context tab, you have multiple options available in three categories: Adjust, Arrange, and Size and Positions.
    1. In the Size and Positions group, change any of the following:
      • Crop: Define your crop area by using your mouse to click and drag the image corners
      • Height and Width: Enter the new dimensions and press Enter. Uncheck “Lock proportions” to resize width and height independently
      • Scale: Resize the image by defining a scale percentage, and then press Enter
      • Position: Reposition the image by defining the new x and y coordinates on the page
      • Rotation: Define the rotation of the image in degrees and then press Enter


NOTE: You can also resize the image by using the Edit tool, clicking the image then dragging and dropping the pointers on the boundary-box of the image.

Additional resources:

Want to know more? Check out this training guide for further information.

Images in Nitro Pro
Editing Images