Managing Users

Easily manage your account via the Admin Portal. All designated Global Admins have the ability to invite, delete, and suspend users from your organization's, as well as assign licenses to the users.

To access the Admin Portal:

Go to and log in with your email and password.

NOTE:  Only Global Administrators can edit, delete, or suspend users from your account.

Managing users:

1.  Click Manage Users and select Active Users from the left-hand menu.

2.  Locate the user account you wish to modify and hover your mouse over the three dots (“…”) on the far right of the user’s row, then make your selection form the drop-down.

3.  Global Administrators perform the following actions:

    • Edit User Modify the name, email, and/or title of any existing user.  You can also assign or revoke Admin permissions.
    • Add/Revoke Licenses:  Assign or revoke licenses for an existing user.
    • Reset PasswordSend an email prompting a user to reset their password.
    • Suspend UserSuspending a user will block their access to the Nitro Productivity Platform services.  Users can remain suspended indefinitely, and can be restored at any time.  All of the user’s documents will still be available in their account when access is restored (only applicable to Nitro Sign).
    • Delete UserDeleting a user from your Nitro Sign Team will permanently delete the user’s account and all associated files store on Nitro Sign.  Before deleting a user, make sure to download or transfer any of the user’s files, as these cannot be recovered once the deletion process is complete.

Additional resources:

NLS – User Management