Nudge Reminders & Notifications

Nitro Sign allows you to send notifications to recipients reminding them that they have unfulfilled eSignature requests.

Get documents signed faster with friendly nudge reminders and notifications to ensure signature requests are not ignored.

To send a eSignature request reminder:

1.  Go to My Documents and click the Quick Actions menu icon (the three vertical dots) next to the name of the desired document.

2.  Click Send Reminder from the dropdown.

3.  A popup will open allowing you to customize the details of the reminder, then click Send.

4.  If no signing order was set, a reminder will be sent to all recipients who have not yet signed the document.  If a signing order was set, a reminder will only be sent to the next recipient in the queue to sign the document.

The following notifications are automatically sent:

The sender of request will receive the following notifications via email:

1.  Notification when a recipient views the document.

2.  Notification when a recipient signs a document.

3.  A PDF copy of the final signed document will be sent as an email attachment when the signature workflow has been completed (last person has signed).


The recipient (signer) of the request will receive the following notifications via email:

1.  Notification when the document is ready for signature.

2.  A PDF copy of the final signed document will be sent as an email attachment when the signature workflow has been completed (last person has signed).

The Cc’d recipient will receive the following notifications via email:

1.  Notification when the document has been sent for signature.

2.  A PDF copy of the final signed document will be sent as an email attachment when the signature workflow has been completed (last person has signed).

Additional resources:

Want to know more?

Click on the video below to watch a short demo showing how to send a nudge reminder.

Or go to the Nitro Sign User Guide for more information.

Nitro Sign User Guide