Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

The ability to edit scanned documents is essential in today’s digital age. No longer do you have to waste time (and paper) by printing, editing and re-scanning documents every time you need to make a minor edit. Nitro’s advanced OCR technology enables effortless and efficient editing of scanned documents.

The OCR tool allows users to convert scanned documents and images into searchable and editable text.

How to Use OCR:

    1. Click on the Review tab, then select OCR in the Document group
    2. Select one of the following options and click OK:
    • Make Searchable: Allows you to highlight and mark-up text
    • Make Searchable and Editable: Allows you to highlight and mark-up text, and also make changes to the text

Note: you can change the OCR settings by clicking on the Options button on the bottom-left of the OCR window, then select Advanced

Additional resources:

Want to know more? Check out this training guide and video for further information.

How to utilize the OCR tool in a PDF »