
Nitro’s QuickSign feature lets you easily and securely add your signature to any document. You can also customize and save multiple signature styles using the QuickSign creation tools. Whether you're adding your signature to business contract or a birthday card, eSigning has never been simpler.

QuickSign allows you to add an electronic copy of your own signature to a PDF.

To Use QuickSign:

    1. Open the document you wish to sign
    2. Under the Home tab, click the dropdown arrow on the QuickSign button and select Create New Signature
      • A popup will appear, offering four ways to create your signature (Handwritten, From File, Draw, Webcam)

3. Create your signature using one of the available options

    • You can click Password Protect to add a password on your signature, which will prevent any unauthorized people from using it

4. Click OK and place your signature anywhere on the document





  • Once you have applied your first signature, you can click QuickSign to add and view other versions of your signature
  • To edit your signatures, click the dropdown arrow on the QuickSign button and select Manage Signatures

Additional resources:

Want to know more? Check out this training guide and video for further information.

For more resources