Send a Signature Request

Getting documents signed is quick and easy with Nitro Sign. Just upload the document you want signed. add the contact information of the recipients, add the signature fields and any other desired information, such as name, company, date, or initials. It's that easy! Your recipients do not need a Nitro Sign account in order to sign the document. Recipients can sign documents on their mobile, tablet device, laptop, or personal computer without a Nitro Sign account.

Say goodbye to signing bottlenecks! You can send an unlimited number of eSignature requests with Nitro Sign.

To access Nitro Sign:

Go to and login with your email and password.

Prepare and Send an eSignature Request:

1.  From the Home dashboard, click on the Send for Signature button located in the top right corner.

2.  Select a document from your computer or a  storage location and upload the document for signature. You have the option to choose from your local machine, or one of the supported cloud storage providers.

3.  The Add a Recipient box will appear, prompting you to add the recipient’s name (optional) and email (required), then click Add.

TIP: If you would like to add more than one signer to the signature request, click Add Recipient in the Signers panel and enter the other signers’ details.

4.  Drag-and-drop the desired signature fields to the appropriate position(s) in the document.  The most frequently used signature fields are available to drag-and-drop, but you can create as many custom fields as you want, if there is additional information you would like the recipient to provide.  Once all signature fields have been placed, click Continue.

5.  You will be taken the Review screen, where you can review the document recipients and the prepared document before sending.  You can customize the message and subject line of the signature request email and Cc additional recipients who do not need to sign the document, but will receive a notification when the document is sent for signature and when the signing is complete.

6.  Click Request Signature to send the document out for signature.  A notification at the top right hand corner will confirm that the document has been sent for signing.  You will receive an email when each recipient views the document, followed by another email when the document has been signed. Once the final signer has signed the document, you will receive an email with the signed document as an attachment.

Note: Your recipients do not need a Nitro Sign account in order to sign the document.  You only need a Nitro Sign account in order to send a document for signature.

Additional resources:

Want to know more?
Watch the video below for a short demonstration of how to
prepare and send an eSignature request.

For more information, go to the Nitro Sign User Guide.

Nitro Sign User Guide
Requesting a Signature