Search & Find

You are able to quickly and easily search for specific words and phrases in open Nitro Pro documents. You can use either the Search window or Ctrl+F to search the PDF body text. You can also include comments in the search, if desired. After searching for a word/phrase, Nitro provides a list of all matching results in the PDF in page order.

The Search feature allows you to easily find a specific word, phrase, or number in a PDF document.

To find text in a document:

1.  Under the Home tab, click the Find button or press Ctrl+F.

2.  The left-side panel will open and a search box will appear.  Type in a word or phrase that you would like to locate and click Search.  You can apply filters to select whether to search for partial words or whole words.

    • Whole Words Only:  Finds only occurrences of the complete word you type in the text box. For example, if you search for the word “dog, the word “dogs” is not found.
    • Case-Sensitive:  Finds only occurrences of the words that match the capitalization you type. For example, if you search for the word Web, the words web and WEB aren’t found.
    • Include Comments:  Also searches the text of any comments.

3.  After you run a search, all matching results for the word or phrase will be identified in the Search panel in page order.

4.  You can navigate to each mention of the search word/phrase by clicking on the specific instance in the Search panel, or you can use the up/down arrows to find the previous/next instance of the word/phrase.  Using the Next arrow, Nitro will jump to the next instance of the search term, which appears highlighted in the document.

5.  Click the “X” button to close the Search window.

Additional resources:

Want to know more? Check out the User Guide for more information.

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