
The bookmarks in Nitro work much like the bookmarks you place in a paper book—they allow you to retain links to particular pages in a document for quick access, as well other actions, such as go to a page in the current PDF document, or go to a web page.

If they're well laid out, a set of bookmarks will help the user understand the basic structure of long documents. Moreover, including bookmarks can help in encouraging your users to view documents onscreen instead of wasting paper by printing them.

To View Bookmarks in a PDF Document:

  1. In the navigation tabs displayed along the left side of the Nitro Pro window, click the Bookmark tab, and the Bookmarks pane will open.

To Create Bookmarks Automatically:

  1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Navigation group, click the arrow below Bookmark
  2. Click Auto Build Bookmarks.
  3. In the Build Bookmarks dialog, click Level 1. This will open up the Select Bookmark Attributes dialog.
  4. Do one or both of the following:
    • With the mouse pointer use the cursor to select an example of the text (such as a heading) on the page
    • Enable the checkboxes of the properties that you want to create the bookmarks from
  5. Click OK.
  6. To make more than one tier of bookmarks, click Level 2 (and so on) and then perform steps four and five again.
  7. In the Build Bookmarks dialog, click Build.

Bookmark Selection Attributes

Several text properties can be configured when creating bookmarks automatically. Combining the various properties will create bookmarks that only match the unique characteristics of a specific text element; for instance a chapter heading. If no text in the document matches the requirements of the defined properties, then no bookmarks will be created.

  • Font Name: Creates bookmarks from the selected font. Clicking Refresh will update the font menu listing to include all the fonts contained in the document. Embedded fonts are not included.
  • Font Size: Creates bookmarks from text that conforms to the specified font size
  • Font Color: Creates bookmarks from text that matches the selected text's color
  • Left Indentation: Creates bookmarks from text with its line indent starting at the specified distance from the left-hand side of the page. An example of line indentation is bullet headings—selecting the bullet headings on this page with the Left Indentation and Font Name properties enabled would produce bookmarks from the bullet headings: Font Name, Font Size, Font Color, Left Indentation and Text Mask.
  • Text Mask: Creates bookmarks from text that matches the characters entered into the Text Mask textbox. Text masking is handy when there are no defining bookmark properties, or if you need to selectively filter out certain text that may otherwise become a bookmark.
  • Keyword List: This feature allows you to include and exclude particular bookmarks based on its text label. The keyword list file is simply a text file with a list of words. If you choose to include with a keyword list, then the only bookmarks generated will be ones that include any of the keywords in your list. If you choose to exclude with a keyword list, then no bookmarks will be created that contain any of the words in your keywords list.
  • Ignore Repeated Headings: Creates a bookmark for only the first occurrence of a repeated bookmark name
  • Multi-lined Headings: Creates bookmarks from text spanning more than one line
  • Leading Numbers: This feature allows you to add or remove leading numbers to bookmarks. For example, if your headings and chapters are prefixed with a numbering system. These leading numbers can be excluded from the bookmark labels that are generated automatically

Additional resources:

Want to know more? Check out this training guide and video for further information.

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